If you are like most college graduates, you left school with a substantial amount of debt. For those struggling with their student debt, you can have your federal student loans forgiven, canceled, or discharged. It means that you are no longer required to repay some or all of your loans. However, these programs are only available for federal student loans, not for the private ones, and the qualification requirement can be strict and demanding.
In this blog, you will learn more about the different available student forgiveness programs that will help you with all your student loan debts.
The term forgiveness, cancellation, and discharge may mean the same thing, but they are different from one another. If you are no longer required to make payments on your loans due to your job or career path, this is generally called forgiveness or cancellation. When you can no longer need to make payments due to a total or permanent disability, this is called discharge.
11 Student Loan Forgiveness Programs
The following programs are a quick review of the types of forgiveness, cancellation, and discharge available for any types of federal student loans:
To know more about the said student forgiveness programs stated above or the multiple options in getting out of default, contact your trusted loan servicer today!
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